Category - Articles

Tachyon OPS HD Camera Review (Tech)

One of the coolest videos I saw when first researching the sport of Airsoft was taken from an M4 Carbine AEG’s front rail system. Looking into this further, the company behind the gun camera was Tachyon Inc. Tachyon makes durable cameras...

Airsoft for Gamers #4: AEG Types

Last week, we got the chance to interview the leader of “Infidel”, a well-known Pro-Airsoft team. In this week’s Airsoft for Gamers entry, we take a look at the various types of AEGs (airsoft electric guns) and their uses...

Gamer Fitness #2: Bowflex Uppercut

In this, the second of our Gamer Fitness articles for, I am taking a look at the new Uppercut strength trainer from Bowflex. The Uppercut is a resistance-based push-up assistance device that promises to define and sculpt your...

Gamer Fitness #1: The Ab-Carver Pro

Sitting on our duffs playing video games and taking in the occasional high-sugar, high-caffeine snack or energy drink can have a drastic and dire effect on our video gamer bodies. How many video gamers do you know that could use to lose a few...

Airsoft for Gamers #2: Combat Basics

In this second part in our Airsoft for Gamers column, we are talking about “combat basics” . It’s not enough just to pick up an AEG and run around the field like a madman. That’s a sure-fire way to call yourself out in...