Category - Articles

E3 2008 – Our Preparations Underway

You can feel it coming…Anticipatory excitement like mild electricity surging through your body… E3 is close. And this year, we will be covering the expo for the first time. And yet, many people I talk to about E3 seem ambivalent...

E3 Media and Business Summit Dead –...

The E3 Media & Business Summit of 2007 was somewhat of a bust and a let-down. After it changed from the previous media spectacle to its current, more intimate event, the magic just seemed to be lacking. Now, with the news of Vivendi...

Microprose – Resurrected and Dead All...

Way back when, youngsters, there existed a company that put out some of the best video games in history. Titles such as F-117 Stealth Fighter, F-15 Strike Eagle III, F-14 Fleet Defender, and Master of Orion II just to name a few. This company...

GamingShogun’s Most-Anticipated PC...

Here is my list of most-anticipated PC games for 2008. Happy New Year, all, I hope it is full of good times and good gaming! Age of Conan (PC/360)by FunComRelease: MarchI totally dug the hell out of the Conan flicks growing up, and enjoyed the...

Reaction to Next-Gen Top 30 Games of 2007

Next-Gen has posted their list of the top 30 games of 2007. Their take on the top games list is MUCH more realistic than TIME‘s was. In fact, aside from their top five of the list, it is pretty darn good. I commend Next-Gen for their top...