Category - Reviews

Gatling Gears Review (PC)

Originally released for the Xbox LIVE Arcade and later on the PlayStation Network, Vanguard Games new top-down shooter, Gatling Gears is now available for the Windows PC platform (on EA’s Origin service). The game is set in the Mistbound...

JackBacks Wood iPhone 4 Back Replacement...

We just got our Natural Bamboo iPhone 4 back piece evaluation unit from the kind people at JackBacks. Basically, JackBacks allows iPhone 4 users the ability to replace the glass backing of their phones with one made from all-natural wood. They...

Madden NFL 12 – Review (Xbox 360)

With the opening games of the NFL season starting this weekend, we felt that the best way to celebrate it is with our review of the annual EA Sports release, Madden NFL 12.  The beginning of the NFL season is a special time for any fan of the...

Men of War: Vietnam Review (PC)

I’ll be the first to admit it, with my love of strategy games I am kind of surprised I missed the original Men Of War.  The game had everything that fit me, hard as a Drill Sargent but addictive fun gameplay.  So when I got the chance to...

Hector: Badge of Carnage Episode 2 – A...

Telltale Games brings us the next installment in the Badge of Carnage series with Senseless Acts of Justice.  Featuring the same classless humor that the first episode presented, Senseless Acts of Justice is more of the same, just a little...

Dead Island Review (PC)

We just survived our early press copy of Deep Silver and Techland’s new zombie action-RPG, Dead Island, and are still recovering. This is truly the zombie game genre-fans have been waiting for. On this, the launch date of the game, we...

World of Tanks Review’s World of Tanks is a team-based, online action title where players in two armored vehicle groups slug it out for domination of numerous maps based on Word War II battlefields. While summing the game up in one sentence is...

Street Fighter III: Third Strike Online...

Capcom and Iron Galaxy Studios have brought the classic 2D fighter, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, to the Xbox 360.  With a grand total of 20 playable characters, Street Fighter III: Third Strike is considered to be the deepest fighting game...

Joystick-IT for iPad Review

There are several games out on various mobile App Store which require players to use “virtual joysticks”, where you must slide your thumb along a smooth surface to simulate moving a “real” joystick. Unfortunately, this...