Category - Articles

Classic Gaming Showcase #3 Alien Storm...

Let’s face it we had a pretty decent obsession with aliens back in the days of Sega.  Most of us still have that obsession which brings us to revisit games like Alien Storm and find dozens of other outer worldly creations that go bump in...

Classic Gaming Showcase #2: Alien Soldier...

This was a game I thought I hadn’t played before based on reading the premise because I didn’t understand the premise.  I was right but that was luck.   I am all for a nice rich storyline but this set some insanely lofty goals when...

Classic Gaming Showcase #1: Alex Kidd in the...

This is the first installment of an ongoing series dedicated to the games we loved and the games we missed over the years.  OnLive recently made a deal with Sega to carry a bunch of Genesis classics as well as some greatly loved games by other...

We’re Back!

Welcome to the new and improved! We have tweaked our site’s design even more in order to provide you readers with the best possible visiting experience. So, explore, and enjoy! Also, if you guys find any bugs or have...

OnLive Celebrates 200 Games In PlayPack

In honor of crossing the 200 game mark in their PlayPack, OnLive is offering the first month for $2.00 with each additional month for the normal $9.99 and are having the following events: 4/20: 200 minutes of Multiplayer Madness in Homefront...

OnLive Makes Trials Easier (PC/OnLive)

So I was going through my email and saw an announcement from OnLive that Dead Island was going to be one of their latest additions and my heart kicked it up a notch in both a good and bad way.  When Dead Island was available for play at E3 I...

World of Warplanes Interview

We got the chance to ask’s World of Warplanes development team some questions regarding their upcoming online, aerial action game, World of Warplanes. Q) Can you tell us a little bit about the challenges being faced by the...

2011 Holiday Gift Guide

It’s that time again – time for the crew to write up our favorite gift picks. Behold, the Official 2011 Holiday Gift Guide! WOOOOoooosh (cue swooshing sound effects)! Also, if any of our loved ones...