May 20, 2015 – Today WizKids has released the third installment in the Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes figures series – which includes six new figures and a set of exclusive...
Tag - tabletop
WizKids Launches DC Comics Dice Masters: Justice League
Hillside, NJ — May 1, 2015 – WizKids is pleased to announce the release of DC Comics Dice Masters: Justice League, the dice-building game featuring iconic DC characters, available now...
Temple of Elemental Evil Board Game Released
HILLSIDE, April 29, 2015 — WizKids, makers of quality board games and miniatures, is pleased to announce the release of the latest title in the D&D product series – the Temple of...
Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes Box Set II Released
Hillside, NJ — April 22, 2015 – WizKids is pleased to announce the latest release in its Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes figures series today. In the Iconic Heroes Box Set II, fans will...
Norse Foundry Aged Mithral 7 Piece RPG Metal Dice Set...
Norse Foundry makes all kinds of tabletop RPG related gear, mostly made of metal (hence the “Foundry”). They have a range of dice, coins, pins – even some velvet and satin...
Freespace Tactics Tabletop Game on Kickstarter
December 11, 2014– Interplay and designer Chris Taylor (Fallout®, Starfleet Command, and the Nemo’s War boardgame) have teamed up to bring the classic FreeSpace™ video game series to the...
Wizards of the Coast Needs Your Help for Next D&D...
Wizards of the Coast has put out an open letter for help in designing the next rule-set of their venerable tabletop RPG (you youngsters who only know RPGs from video games should look these...