Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment have released the debut trailer for the next game in the Mortal Kombat series, just in time for the upcoming Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los...
Tag - CES
Gamerkraft Announces Free To Play Actioner –...
Game Bridger Entertainment unveiled the latest game to arrive on their GamerKraft free games platform, FreeJack. Developed by Korean developer WiseOn, FreeJack is a racing game with cartoon...
Review of the Eclipse Touch Mouse
A mouse designed for the 'professional' user. Can the mouse get beyond the form and give some function? Let's find out!
Square Enix Releases Kane and Lynch E3 Trailer
IO Interactive and Square Enix have released a new trailer for their August 27th-targeted Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days, just in time for the beginning of the Electronic Entertainment Expo...
Alien Breed: Impact Review (PC)
Alien Breed: Impact is a solid arcade shooter with great survival-horror atmosphere. Fun to play though a bit frustrating with forced camera angle, Alien Breed: Impact is fun, but is it...
Checkout the New Controllers for Guitar Hero: Warriors...
Activision has released a new trailer for their upcoming Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock, which shows off the two new guitar controllers which will be included in the game. The new...
Apple Announces iPhone 4 at WWDC Keynote
Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced their iPhone 4 at the keynote speech of the WWDC, which is currently underway in San Francisco. The phone and accompanying OS, which will now be known as iOS...
UFC Undisputed 2010 – A Review (X360)
Last year, THQ hit a home run with the best selling UFC Undisputed. The sequel has hit store shelves and we got our hands on a copy of the Xbox 360 version. With new competition looming...
The Witcher 2 Gets First Dev Diary
CD Projekt RED has released the first developer diary for their upcoming action-RPG title, The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. In it, numerous developers talk avout the game’s story...
Shogun 2: Total War Revealed, Debut Trailer Released
What could have been just a passing rumor has turned out to be true as IGN has released a preview of SEGA and The Creative Assembly’s upcoming Shogun 2: Total War. Thought to be set...