Category - Reviews

Resonance Review (PC/GOG.COM)

I recently reviewed Tiny And Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers which was a great game with a polished and modern stylized look.  Resonance on the other hand I appreciate for its rough, old school look that warms my gamer’s heart.  It reminds...

Tiny And Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers...

I know that with a name like Tiny And Big: Grandpa’s Leftovers you expect a hardcore game with over the top shooter action probably produced by Sony for several million dollars.  You are wrong sir!  Or madam!  This is an indie game...

Ship Simulator Extremes Review (PC/Steam)

Our Editor-In-Chief is a rabid simulator fan, he has a cockpit in his house because he can’t play a flight simulator without a cockpit.  True story!  So when he let this one go to me I knew it was a painful choice for him but he knew a...

Classic Gaming Showcase #6 Golden Axe II...

Golden Axe II was definitely a sign of its time and did things right and wrong which video game sequels today tend to do even though this is a history lesson over two decades old.  Golden Axe was a huge success, even more so on the console than...

Razer Blackshark Review

At the recent Electronic Entertainment Expo, I got the chance to check out Razer’s new Blackshark gaming headset. I was initially impressed by the military aviation visual style they conveyed. Not usually Razer’s aesthetic, I then...

Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown Review...

In the world of the fighting game genre, Virtua Fighter holds a very unique and special place in my heart.  Fighting games, like Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter, focus on special attacks or moves that no human could possibly pull off.  While...

Krater: Shadows Over Solside Review...

Krater: Shadows Over Solside is a game I have sat down to review several times now – each time playing it some more, restarting it and taking a break and playing other games then coming back to repeat the cycle.  The temptation to...

Prometheus Movie Review

After a long, long day at the 2012 Electronic Entertainment Expo, I made the choice to see the midnight showing of Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel, Prometheus. Two hours and change later, I walked out of the movie with my mouth agape and...

Gratuitous Tank Battles Review (PC/Steam)

I have always loved tower defense games, been playing them since, well probably since there have been tower defense games.  So it doesn’t take long to convince me to play one for hours to review it.  When you have really good tower...

Classic Gaming Showcase #5 Golden Axe...

There was once a time when the hub of social activity was the video arcade, where loud games noises and Journey music bombarded you while you played your favorite game and flirted with the big haired blonde next to you.  Quarters lined the edge...