Tales of Halloween is a ten story anthology flick revolving around the scariest night of the year, Halloween. Each of the tales was directed by a different person, giving them all their...
Tag - movies
ScreamFest LA Premiere of A Tricky Treat
(Hollywood, CA) – September 30th, 2015 – A Tricky Treat, a short horror comedy directed by acclaimed Canadian filmmaker PatriciaChica, has been honored with four awards at the Macabre Faire...
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Universal Studios...
Universal City, California, September 18, 2015 – Universal Studios Hollywood wields a bit of magic with the reveal of newly created signature art for the eagerly-awaited arrival of...
Krampus Official Trailer Released
Legendary Pictures and Trick ‘r Treat director Michael Dougherty are bringing us some horror-filled Christmas cheer with their upcoming movie, Krampus, and you can checkout the...
First Image of Michael Fassbender From...
New Regency and 20th Century Fox have released the first image of Michael Fassbender as Callum Lynch in their upcoming Assassin’s Creed film, which is due out in theaters on December...
Son of Monsterpalooza Announces Hollywood Treasures...
If you are attending the upcoming Son of Monsterpalooza event in Burbank, you might want to check out their Profiles in History “Hollywood Treasures” exhibit. There you will...
Hell and Back NSFW Red Band Trailer Released
Here is the very not safe for work (NSFW), red band trailer for Hell and Back. Hell and Back is an upcoming animated flick from the folks at Shadowmachine, the animation house that does...
Star Wars: Episode IX Director Announced
ANAHEIM, CALIF. (August 15, 2015) – Today at D23, Walt Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn announced that writer-director Colin Trevorrow will direct Star Wars: Episode IX, which is set...
Gigantic Film Announced at D23 Expo
August 14, 2015 – “GIGANTIC” TAKES ROOT – Things are looking up at Walt Disney Animation Studios – way up. “Gigantic,” Disney’s unique take on “Jack and the Beanstalk,” will feature...
This is the End 3D Maze Announced for Horror Nights
Universal City, California, August 12, 2015 – In a bold, new approach to bringing iconic horror films to life during “Halloween Horror Nights,” Universal Studios Hollywood will...