Category - News

GamingShogun Post-CES WebCast is Up!

Greetings! We have returned from our long journey to the 2008 CES expo in Las Vegas, Nevada with gifts for our users. In addition to some kick-ass video interviews and showings we are editing up for you as I type this, we also recorded a quick...

More Indiana Jones Pics!

Vanity Fair has a few more shots from the upcoming Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull flick. The story, set this time in 1957, has Indy fighting the Reds instead of Nazis. The case includes up and comer Shia LaBeouf, Karen Allen, and (a...

Ministry of Defence to open British UFO X... reports the Ministry of Defense is going to open all of the British UFO X-files in the next 3 years. I find it odd in the last 5 years we have been bombarded over and over with UFO information from both the private sector and...

Indian-Based Company to Buy SOE?

The Economic Times is reporting that an Indian-base company, Zapak Digital, is poised to buy Sony Online Entertainment to the tune of $300 million dollars. SOE has been on the ‘block’ for a few weeks now, and Zapak Digital, which is...

Gamespot Universe at War Review

Gamespot has posted it’s review of Universe at War, the RTS from Petroglyph and SEGA, rating it a not-so-bad 7.5 out of 10. They echo several user complaints such as the inability to zoom out far enough to see the battlefield in a useful...

Windows XP Service Pack 3 RC Released

Microsoft has officially released the Windows XP Service Pack 3 Release Candidate for download. Remember, the official SP3 wont be available until later on in 2008. SP3 is said to increase overall XP performance by 10% and include small...