Category - News

Dave Fennoy at the Spike Video Game Awards

The voice of The Walking Dead‘s Lee Everett, Dave Fennoy, literally bumped into us on the red carpet for the Spike TV Video Game Awards and we got a couple minutes to chat with him on his experience in helping create the very moving game...

Forge Review (PC/Steam)

Once upon a time, most games featured a single player campaign or storyline and possibly some sort of multiplayer. These days, it is becoming more and more common to have games that are pure PvP, with no single player mode at all (exceptions...

The Darkness II Review (PC/OnLive)

So a while back I asked to review a game for OnLive and they generously said “sure, have a couple” so I picked a second game called The Darkness II simply because I loved the trailer with a twitchy guy standing in the dark babbling...