You may recall the upcoming NASA space0MMO that was announced a couple years back. If not, don’t fret, as many had forgotten in the course of time. Thankfully, Astronaut: Moon, Mars, and Beyond is still in-development but needs public help to keep it alive and especially to get a beta test out by December of 2012. If you are interested in donating to the project, you can head over to its official Kickstarter page to donate.
Official Game Description
Play as an aspiring astronaut in Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond, the official NASA MMO game. Set in the year 2035, you will embark on an adventure into space, Mars, the asteroid belt and the outer planets. You will uncover secrets about a threat to civilization as we know it and build you and your team a high-tech inventory of space gear including a home base, somewhere out there.
Astronaut: Moon, Mars And Beyond is an adventure game focused on mankind’s future missions into the outer reaches of the solar system: this time to stay. Astronaut Academy (the first chapter of the AMMB series) is a recreation of the solar system featuring simulated mission-based space exploration, career advancement and awareness of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). The game will be designed to be fun and engaging, scientifically accurate, enabling career exploration and STEM learning. The target audience will be the 5-24 age and the gaming and science enthusiast markets. It will have an open architecture to support expandability and linkages to multiple technologies and media. The game will be built using the Unreal Engine 3 with initial support for the iOS and Windows PC platforms.
The beta test for Astronaut Academy is planned for December 2012 and the Astronaut Academy Handbook (an overview of the science and technology of the game’s setting) is also in development for release on iOS soon.