Capcom has just announced that it plans to release a free patch in mid-December with some updates to their Resident Evil 6 game that have been long-requested by fans.

Patch Updates

  • Gamers will be able to adjust the camera to give a greater field of view as best suits their play style. Screenshots illustrating the new camera and co-op features can be found on Capcom’s press site. The camera screenshot pairs show the minimum and maximum range of the new camera setting. Please note that this feature is still in development and may change without further notice before the title update is released.
  • Subtitle options have been improved so that English language audio can be combined with subtitles in an alternative language.
  • As recently announced, Ada Wong’s campaign will be unlocked from the start and have an optional player-controlled co-op partner added. It was previously necessary to complete all three other campaigns in order to unlock Ada’s story.
  •  ‘No Hope’ difficulty level will be added above the existing levels, for players who want an extreme challenge.

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of