CompUSA to call it quits

CompUSA, which used to be one of the leading computer retailers in the U.S., has been unable to stay competitive even after closing 126 retail outlets last February.  Attempts to sell...

Call of Duty 5 Rumor

Joystiq has posted a rumor that Treyarch is prepping to set Call of Duty 5 back in World War II once again. The series, most recently set in modern times with Call of Duty 4, has been...

Gamespot Turok Hands-On

Gamespot has posted a preview ‘hands-on’ of the latest Turok game in production. They present a few game scenarios and it seems as though Turok will be more than just a straight...

BioShock Widescreen PATCH!

VideoGamer has posted regarding the recent BioShock patch that allows gamers to use the originally intended widescreen field of view. This, as you may recall, was a source of controversy as...

The Norris Effect

Yahoo reports that Chuck Norris’ endorsement of GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee caused a 457% increase in the amount of web searches for the presidential hopefull...