Category - Trailers / Videos

Deadfall Adventures Announcement Trailer

Nordic Games and The Farm 51 have released the trailer for their upcoming Deadfall Adventures. Deadfall Adventures is an Allan Quatermain/Indiana Jones style adventure where players will explore ruins, fight Nazis, and a lot more. Deadfall...

MLB 2K13 My Player Trailer

2K Games has released a new trailer for their upcoming MLB 2K13, which is due out on March 5th, 2013. The trailer features voice overs from veteran MLB 2K announcers Gary Thorne and John Kruk, who will provide commentary during the game’s...

Star Wars Pinball Boba Fett Table Trailer

Zen Studios and Lucasarts have released a new trailer showing off the Boba Fett table for the upcoming Star Wars Pinball. The game is due out next week on the Apple App Store, Google Play, XBLA, PSN, Mac App Store platforms. Trailer Screens

VEABuddy Smartwatch Announced with Video

Marseille, France – February 21st 2013 – Smartphones are becoming more and more powerful but also tending to increase in size. It can be an inconvenience to regularly check the constant flow of notifications received. The Bluetooth watch...