Category - News

Kane & Lynch Release Date Set

GameSpot is reporting that third-person action shooter Kane & Lynch will be going retail on November 20th, the same date as Mass Effect. The game will be released on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC platforms.

Apple Working on New Newton?

Engadget is reporting on a rumor that Apple has a team of engineers working on a new Newton PDA with a touchscreen ala iPhone. As some of you may recall, the Newton was one of the first PDAs back in the good ol’ 1990’s and did not...

Vonage pwned again.

MSNBC reports that earlier this morning a Federal jury in Kansas City, KS awarded Sprint-Nextel $69.5 million in damages for ‘willful patent violation’ by Vonage.   This is on top of Verizon’s ealier win against Vonage in...

China MMO Bans Males Playing As Females

PacificEpoch reports that Shanda subsidiary Aurora Technology has frozen game accounts of male players who chose to play female in-game characters in its in-house developed MMORPG King of the World, reports 17173. Aurora stipulates that only...

Halo Mimibot USB Drives

Engadget has posted that Mimoco will be selling Halo Mimibot USB drives starting October 18th. They will come in a variety of colors and in 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB flavors. The oddly-shaped little fellas seem to have captured gaming hearts everywhere.

Clive Barker’s Jericho Demo Wednesday

GameSpot will be presenting the demo for Clive Barker’s Jericho Wednesday. Jericho, a horror FPS for the PC, Xbox 360, and PS3. In the demo for Barker’s latest supernatural shooter, players will attempt to survive during the...