Category - News

Duke Nukem Teaser Released!

3dRealms has released the teaser for it’s long (ten years) in development ‘Duke Nukem Forever’ this afternoon. For those that dont know: Duke Nukem Forever was officially announced on April 28, 1997 along with the purchase of...

Poorman’s GPS Tracker Inexpensive, Yet...

Gizmodo is reporting on a new GPS tracker from S5 Wireless that will cost a scant $7 dollars and last up to 4 years! The device will be disposable and allow jealous boyfriends, leery parents, and amature spies to all put their concerns to rest...

New Command & Conquer FPS Announced

ShackNews is reporting that the January issue of Game Informer will announce the next C&C game from EA. It seems as though they are going to try a FPS again (their first entry into this was the abysmal C&C: Renegade)...

Vista SP1 Publically Available!

Microsoft has finally done it! The thing they originally said would never happen: SP1….Yes, the controversial Vista operating system is getting it’s first service pack today. The Service Pack, which is said to fix ‘hundreds of...

Microsoft Ends Free Software Offer

ComputerWorld is reporting that Microsoft has pulled the offer to get free software if users would sign up for the Windows Feedback Program, citing an exhaustion of free products to give out. Users emailing Microsoft regarding their free...