Category - News

2011 Eyegore Awards Red Carpet Report

If you are not a serious fan of horror movies and your answer to “What’s your favorite scary movie?” is “Ghostbusters”, you may not have heard about the annual awards ceremony for those who cut a path through a...

Afterfall: inSanity Trailer

Nicolas Games and Nicolas Intoxicate have released a new trailer for their upcoming horror-action game for the PC, Afterfall: inSanity. Afterfall: inSanity is due out in November of this year and puts players in a post-apocalyptic wasteland...

Rise of Nightmares Comic Strip Available

SEGA has announced the release of a new digital comic strip relating to their Rise of Nightmares game for the Microsoft Xbox 360 console with Kinect. The short yarn is a fun read full of giblets and a nice twist or two – a great read for...

Limp Bizkit Heading to Rock Band

Harmonix has announced that, on October 4th, four tracks from Limp Bizkit will be added to the Rock Band Music Store for your rocking pleasure. The tracks include the popular single, “Nookie”. Available on Xbox 360, Wii and...