Category - News

World of Warplanes Interview

We got the chance to ask’s World of Warplanes development team some questions regarding their upcoming online, aerial action game, World of Warplanes. Q) Can you tell us a little bit about the challenges being faced by the...

10 Million Copies of Skyrim Have Shipped

Bethesda Softworks has announced that, since its release on November 11, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has shipped over 10 million copies. This amounts to roughly $650 million dollars in sales! “We are gratified that Skyrim continues to garner...

World of Tanks 7.0 Update Goes Live

Fans of’s free-to-play, online tank game, World of Tanks, will be happy to know that their highly-anticipated “Update 7.0” has been released. The update fixes a huge number of gameplay issuesas well as introduces...

New Armored Core V Screens

From Software and Namco Bandai Games have released some brand-new screenshots from the upcoming Armored Core V, which is due out in early 2012 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 platforms. Screenshots

Telltale Games Announces Huge iOS Game Sale

Telltale Games has announced that their entire iOS catalog of adventure games has gone on sale for $2.99 per title. Here is the complete list of games as well as links to the App Store for each. iPad (HD) Jurassic Park: The Game HD (iPad2 only)...

Anomaly Warzone Earth Coming to XBLA

11 bit Studios has announced that their tower defense game, Anomaly Warzone Earth, will be hitting the XBLA platform sometime in the Spring of 2012. Earlier in 2011, the game was released to high-acclaim on the Windows and Mac PC platforms...