Category - Articles

Photos from the WoW: Cataclysm Launch Event

In our continuing coverage from last night’s World of Warcraft: Catclysm Launch Event, we bring your a collection of some of our favorite pictures the evening’s activities – with shots of everything from TAFKAL80ETC to the...

Bad Company 2 Vietnam to Feature Unlockable...

Over at the Battlefield Blog, EA DICE has announced that their upcoming Battlefield Bad Company 2: Vietnam will feature an unlockable ‘Operation Hastings’ map. This map is actually from the original Battlefield Vietnam. Bad Company...

Final Fantasy XIV Benchmark Available Now

Square Enix is releasing a benchmark tool to test your system making sure you will be ready for their new MMO Final Fantasy XIV. The Final Fantasy XIV Official Benchmark uses actual scenes and characters from the game. Characters: Users can...

Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog E3 Preview Event

When Thrustmaster asked if we would like to attend the Electronic Entertainment Expo preview event for their upcoming HOTAS Warthog flight control system, we gladly accepted. They sent a limo over to pick us up from the convention center which...

Samurai Warriors 3 Gets European Release Date

KOEI has announced that their upcoming Samurai Warriors 3 will be released across Europe on May 28th. The game will feature two player on and off-line coop as well as 42 playable characters to fight as or against. The game is being released...

The Games of the 2010 Electronic...

As E3 quickly approaches, one question comes to the fore front of my mind. What games will be shown at E3? Well, what I have here is a partial list so far of what will be at E3. As always, this list of games can and will change at a moments...

2K Games Announces BioShock 2 Vid Cap...

Remember that faux-unboxing video 2K Games release a while back which showcased an amazing-looking Big Daddy costume? Well you can win that (and $5,000) if you are the lucky duck in a new contest. In order to enter you have to submit your...

The GamingShogun 2009 Game of the Year Awards

Another truly spectacular year has come to a close for video gaming. The GamingShogun staff has been hard at work counting ballots for our 2009 Game of the Year awards and we are ready to hand them out. Come check out who won for each platform...