Technews has a VERY clever advertisement for tampons. While not exactly geek news, it did make me laugh so I thought I would share it anyway.
Author - Jerry Paxton
Youtube has a startling video revealing the next threat in the War on Terror…Zombies!!!! Run before they make you into man sushi…or…mushi!
AICN is reporting that Faith’s story arc in the Buffy: Season Eight comic series starts today at comic book stores everywhere!
Yahoo reports that regulators in Great Britian have approved the creation of human-animal hybrids which will be 99.9% human and 0.1% animal for ‘research purposes.’
The creations will not mature into live infants, but kept in the embryonic stage. Anonymous sources close to the story revealed that human-animal hybrids are but the first step in a set of instructions from an apparent alien race to allow us to develop the technology to match human DNA with a sample provided by the alien race. We’ve chosen a female because she’d be more docile.
ZeroPaid has an interview with Ridley Scott where he proceeds to blast the Internet for it’s ‘killing cinema’.
People lambasted video for killing radio too. Seems like the avant-garde always ruffles the feathers of those before.
Gamespot reports that Aerosmith might be a very large part of Guitar Hero IV or at least a downloadable expansion for III.
With Rock Band coming out, I think Activision is mighty worried about now.
CNN reports on a study undertaken in Germany which confirms that men want ‘hot’ women! Wow…money well spent!
Associated Content has posted an article entitled ‘The Next 50 Years in Space’, a what-if chronicle based in the year 2057 of our future-achievements.
Gamespot reports that The Ship 2 is in development from Outerlight in cooperation with a ‘major international publisher’.
Engadget is reporting that Google Earth has a new flight simulator feature that lets you pilot an F-16 or Cirrus SR-22 prop-plane. Neat!