Author - Jerry Paxton

Moonlight Panel Added to Fango WoH LA

Looks like there have been some more additions to the Fangoria Weekend of Horrors set at the LA Convention Center running the 25th through 27th of April. They have added a panel featuring the stars of the cult CBS series, Midnight. Also, author of World War Z, Max Brooks will be in attendance as well as Buffy/Hatchet actress Mercedes McNab. GamingShogun will be in attendance at the event to bring you the latest from the world of horror and genre films.

You can find the Fangoria WoH website including ticket information here.

Resident Evil 5 Famitsu Interview with Gameplay Footage and Subtitles

The first trailer for Resident Evil 5 is out and we have it here for you. The game’s story is supposedly similar to that of ‘Black Hawk Down’. This time around, the player controls Chris Redfield. Capcom has made the environment a big part of this title by adding such elements as heat stroke. If our hero, Chris, is left out in the heat too long he will start hallucinating! This one is going to be a scarefest.

You can find the full video interview here.

SimCity Box Announced

SimCity Box
EA has announced the SimCity Box anthology, due for release in June, the box will contain 5 different SimCity products and will retail for $39.99

Official Release:
Today Electronic Arts Inc. announced The SimCity(TM) Box, a bundled pack of five games from the world-renowned SimCity(TM) franchise. The SimCity Box contains SimCity(TM) Societies, SimCity Societies Destinations, SimCity(TM) 4, SimCity(TM) 4 Rush Hour and The Sims Carnival(TM) SnapCity. Valued at approximately $100.00 USD, The SimCity Box will be available this June in North America at the affordable price of $39.99 USD.

Mass Effect PC Will Not Include Bring Down the Sky

In an IGN interview with Diarmid Clarke, BioWare’s project director for Mass Effect PC, and Matt Atwood, a senior public relations director at BioWare, they revealed that the PC version of Mass Effect will not include the expansion missions titled Bring Down the Sky released for the Xbox 360 version of the game.

In response to the PC version getting additional content, Atwood replied, ‘…we’ll make an announcement soon.’

Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys Gone Gold

Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys has gone gold and is due in stores on April 15th and will retail for $29.99

Official Release:
The Big Brain is threatening mankind and the only hope to save the world is the Teenage Zombies! Ignition Entertainment’s comic sci-fi title Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brainy Thingys has gone gold exclusively for Nintendo DS™. Get ready on April 15th to help the un-dead heroes – Finnigan “Fins” Magee, Lori “Lefty” Lopez and Zach “Halfpipe” Boyd – as they use their insatiable zombie hunger for brains to help save mankind from the Big Brain!

In Teenage Zombies, the Earth is under attack by a horde of Alien Brain… uh…Thingys! Humans, succumbing to ray-guns and mind-control, have failed to defend their planet and let it fall easily into the clutches of the Big Brain and his army of Alien Brain Thingys. The only hope left for mankind is three Teenage Zombies who ignore their normal human victims in favor of the pulsing pink brains they see EVERYWHERE – all the while being lured to the ultimate lunch: THE BIG BRAIN!

Operation Darkness Debut Trailer

It sounds like an incredible concept: SAS soldiers battling Hitler’s army of Vampires and Zombies, right? Well lets hope the concept lives up to the gameplay. Today, Atlus released the official debut trailer for their upcoming Operation Darkness. Due out June 28th 2008 for the Xbox 360, the strategy RPG features a huge array of weapons and items for characters to utilize.

The Day the Earth Stood Still Remake – Spoilers

Man…Ya know when Hollywood takes one of your favorite things from the past and tries to make it new again. Sometimes, the re-imagining is a good thing (e.g. Spider-Man). And other times, it just destroys the original IP and makes you rue the film’s cast and crew with venom.

I have a feeling the remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still will be the latter. Over at AICN, one of their regular posters has read the script (the film is currently shooting in Vancouver) and has brought back some alarming details.

Apparently, there is no Gort in the flick. In Gort’s place we get something called the ‘Totem’, which transforms into a totem-pole esque shape when not walking around on four robotic legs. Also, the immortal phrase, ‘Klaatu Barada Nikto’, is never used in the picture. Klaatu never uses his alias of ‘Mr Carpenter’ and the character interaction between Carpenter/Klaatu and the boy is almost an afterthought. Anyhow, there are plenty more reasons to loathe what they are doing to a classic IP that you can read here.

BioWare Gives Us Mass Effect HUD Image

Looks like BioWare feels bad about pushing Mass Effect for the PC back a couple weeks. Chris Priestly, the BioWare Community Manager has posted a screenshot of the HUD features in the game at the official forums. Apparently, all you need to do is hit the space bar in gameplay to bring up this menu system where you can command your team mates as well as use your own abilities. It looks pretty functional.

Awesome Full HUD Image After the Break!

Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys Launch Party

Ignition Entertainment has announced that, in cooperation with Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City, that there will be an official launch party for the release of their Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys on April 12th, 2008. The party will take place at 10 Rock in New York City. More details below…

Official Release:
Video game publisher Ignition Entertainment has partnered with the non-profit youth mentoring organization Big Brothers Big Sisters of New York City (BBBS of NYC) for the Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys launch party event that will be held at New York City’s Nintendo WORLD from Noon-4pm EST Saturday, April 12, 2008.

Ignition Entertainment is offering consumers the chance to help change the lives of disadvantaged children by purchasing an advance copy of Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys for Nintendo DS™ before its scheduled release date of April 15th, with all proceeds from the event benefiting BBBS of NYC. The Teenage Zombies launch party is open to the public at Nintendo WORLD, 10 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City. There will be demos of the game set up throughout the store, opportunities to have your photo taken with the three teenage zombie heroes.

WHEN: Saturday, April 12th 12:00-4:00pm
WHERE: 10 Rockefeller Plaza (between 5th and 6th Avenue, 1st floor)
PHOTO OP: 1pm, Ignition Entertainment and Teenage Zombies to make special check presentation to Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC