Author - Jerry Paxton

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Scheduled For Spring

C&VG is reporting that Star Wars: The Force Unleashed will be available on the Wii next Spring and will feature the motion-based lightsaber combat geeky folk have craved for ever.

The game will also feature a duel mode where two players can fight it out with the famed weapons of the Jedi.

Radio Shack to Sell Games…Again

Joystiq reports that Radio Shack will begin selling games again on September 24th. I say again because they have sold games in the past. I recall being a much younger person, rummaging through their selection of IBM-compatible computer games (and bypassing the Commodore selection). I believe I picked up King’s Quest from a Radio Shack. Now, ironically, they will not be selling PC games – only console titles.

WETA Warthog in Action Video – Awesome!

Break has a video showing the WETA Warthog in action around their studios. The guys there are definitely having a great time playing with it and who can blame them! They should just work on producing a few of these bad boys and sell them off for easy cash.

Mass Effect Preview at EuroGamer

EuroGamer has a preview of the upcoming Bioware game, Mass Effect. The game will be on the Xbox 360 and in stores on November 20th. It is a science fiction rpg with many different choices to make, all of which will affect the game universe and the player’s part in it.

Tragedy for Science Fiction Lovers

CNN reports that James Oliver Rigney Jr, better known to the world as Robert Jordan, author of the Wheel of Time series, has died at 58.

Per a statement from his personal assistent, Mr. Rigney suffered from a  genetic disorder called ‘primary amyloidosis’ which, among others, caused a thickening of his heart muscle.

To Mr. Rigney, where ever you are:  I’ve been reading sci-fi books since I was in elementary school and was a huge fan of the Wheel of Time series.  In the last two months, I even purchased a new set of the series for my brother to read and enjoy.  You will be missed.

Dammit people, sleep is NOT optional!

CNN reports that a Beijing man collapsed and died after an apparent 72 hour gaming binge at an internet cafe.

People of Earth, don’t be stupid!  Sleep and food are necessities of live.  Let me break it down for you mathematically:

Improper Nutrition + Sleep Deprivation = DEAD

Don’t get me wrong.  I am a fan of the hardcore raiding.  I understand the need to frag that dragon, or complete that quest for those tricked-out shoes, but you know what?  A gamer who quits and sleeps away, lives to quest another day.  

[edit]  Correction – The deceased was from Guangzhou, the story was out of Beijing.