Author - Jerry Paxton

First Screens from Wesley Snipes iOS Game

Lapland Studios, in association with Elstree Studio Productions, Red 27 Films and Maandi Media Holdings have announced a new iOS stealth-actioner featuring none other than Wesley Snipes himself. Julius Styles: The International is due outon August 11 for the iPad and iPhone platforms.

“The concept for Julius Styles: The International is an amalgamation of the ‘international spy, security specialist characters’ I’ve played in a couple of films,” said Wesley Snipes. “Except unlike previous characters I’ve played, who often have military special ops, spy backgrounds, I needed a twist for him. Thus, Julius Styles was born.”


4 New Wargame Screenshots

Focus Home Interactive and Eugen Systems have released four new screenshots from their upcoming RTS, Wargame: European Escalation. The game is due out on Windows PCs this fall and promises an insane amount of depth and strategy as core gameplay elements. Also, the game looks pretty to boot, so it will be interesting to see how it turns out.


First Image of Prometheus

If you have not been keeping up on current events, Ridley Scott is returning to the Alien universe (in a way) with his now in-development film: Prometheus. Details are fairly sketchy, although we do know it will serve as a prequel to the Alien series, but long before the events of those films take place. Checkout the first image from Comic-Con of one of the film’s scenes:

Rumors abound as to where and with what species the movie will chronicle (many believe it will have to do with the first Alien’s “Space Jockey”), but we will all find out next June when the film releases in theaters.

Star Wars: The Old Republic Available for Pre-Order

Electronic Arts, BioWare, and LucasArts have announced that their highly-anticipated MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic, is available now for pre-order on the Windows PC platform. Pre-ordering any of the three game versions gets you a “color stone” in-game item and early access to the game. You can check out information on all three versions of the game from the official website.

As to when the game will be released? Right now, they are keeping a lid on it, as EA CEO John Riccitiello recently commented in an interview with another gaming news site:

Announcing a release date “would be irresponsible for two really good reasons”, Riccitiello said. “One, the competitive marketplace. Putting a window out there creates a window of opportunity for our principal competitor to put out an expansion pack or an ad campaign et cetera around our launch window. Bad move at this point in time.

Prototype 2 Release Date and Comic-Con Demo

Activision and Radical Entertainment have announced that their upcoming actioner, Prototype 2, will be released on April 24, 2012 for the Xbox 360, Windows PC, and PlayStation 3 platforms. Also announced is that the game will be demoed throughout the day by way of an on-going, 15-minute demo taking place at the Activision booth (#5445).

“We know our fans have been clamoring to find out when they would be able to get their hands-on PROTOTYPE 2, and the whole studio is excited that we can finally reveal the timing,” said Ken Rosman, Studio Head, Radical Entertainment. “We’re also thrilled to be at the point where we can show the game directly to our fans. It’s always rewarding to see those first time reactions to what we’ve been working on for the past couple years, and we can’t wait for them to see some of Sgt. James Heller’s amazing new shape-shifting abilities at San Diego Comic-Con.”