Avast, ye landlubbers! Tripwire Presents, the publishing division of Tripwire Interactive that focuses on releasing great games from other independent studios, and developer Ice Code Games, creators of the critically acclaimed Hard West 2, announced that Rogue Waters, the pirate-infused tactical turn-based roguelite title, has departed port and is now available digitally on the PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S systems, and Xbox One family of consoles. The high-seas adventure is now available digitally on console platforms for a MSRP of $29.99, with a 20% launch discount active until Feb. 11. The Nintendo Switch™ system version of the game will be released at a date to be announced later. Rogue Waters was released Sept. 30, 2024 on PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store to positive reception, receiving a critical score of “83” on review aggregator Metacritic, and is currently on sale on Steam, discounted 40% off its regular price of $29.99 until Feb. 17. With turn-based tactical gameplay on both land and at sea, Rogue Waters puts players in control of Cutter, an immortal pirate captain at the helm of a swashbuckling adventure rife with betrayal, plunder, and mystical forces as he plots course for revenge against his former Captain, the infamous Blackbone.

Developer Ice Code Games also raised the sail on a new update with fresh content for the PC version of Rogue Waters. Available to download on PC for free, and to be released on consoles for free at a later date, this latest update adds new playable and enemy characters in addition to a full ship’s hold of bug fixes and improvements. Take on enemies as the new Sea Witch, a mystical character capable of swapping places with an enemy or ally during battle to turn the tides, and beware the mighty new Sea Wolf enemy unit, a slow moving elite unit whose powerful attacks are so devastating that they even leave the Sea Wolf stunned for a turn. For full details on the latest patch, visit the official notes.

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of GamingShogun.com