GamesIndustry is reporting on an interview between Midway Games Harvey Smith and Wired. To quote Smith, ‘This project was so f*cked up’. Apparently, the devs and publisher knew the game was no where near ready to release but was rushed out under publisher pressure.

From the article:
‘Asked why he was being so honest about all this – and his belief that they ‘deserved’ a critical hammering – Smith said: ‘I believe in personal accountability.’

It is nice to see a person from the inside come out with the truth. This fate befalls too many games these days. It is truly a downward spiral of pain as the publishers want the game out to start bringing in the dough, but when the games end up too buggy and get that bad reputation, fewer people will buy them.

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of