Rebellion, one of the world’s most successful independent studios, has today released a new CGI trailer for Sniper Elite 5, the latest installment of the award-winning franchise, hinting at...
Tag - rebellion
Sniper Elite VR Release Date Trailer
Join the resistance! Rebellion is proud to reveal that our first Sniper Elite VR campaign will be released on July 8th 2021. Built from the ground up as a virtual reality experience, Sniper...
Evil Genius 2: World Domination Release Date Trailer
No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to buy EVIL GENIUS 2: WORLD DOMINATION when it launches March 30, 2021 on Steam. As revealed in today’s new “Release Date” trailer featuring brand new gameplay...
Sniper Elite 4 First Nintendo Switch Gameplay Trailer
Sniper Elite 4 is ready to march onto Switch, and owners can now pre-order it on the Nintendo eShop at a special 15% discount ahead of launch. Independent UK studio Rebellion has fired off...
Sniper Elite VR Coming to Oculus Platform
Sniper Elite VR is coming soon to Quest platform! As revealed in today’s Facebook Connect stream, developers Rebellion and Just Add Water are working with UK studio Coatsink to bring their...
Zombie Army Trilogy Nintendo Switch Launch Trailer
Hell, March 30 – It’s time to slay indoors! Zombie Army Trilogy marches onto Nintendo Switch tomorrow, March 31st, and your mission is to take down Hitler and his Nazi undead hordes – from...
Zombie Army Trilogy Nintendo Switch Release Date...
Oxford, March 5 – As revealed in a brand new trailer, ZOMBIE ARMY TRILOGY will bring nerve-shredding shooter action to Nintendo Switch later this month! Independent UK studio Rebellion is...
Zombie Army 4: Dead War Launch Trailer
Oxford, February 4th, 2020 – From the makers of Sniper Elite 4 and Strange Brigade, ZOMBIE ARMY 4: DEAD WAR rises today on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC! The brand new installment in...
Zombie Army 4: Dead War 6 Minute Gameplay Trailer
Oxford, January 15th 2020 – The shambling monstrosities at Rebellion have released a blood-curdling 101 Trailer for ZOMBIE ARMY 4: DEAD WAR, featuring over six minutes of brand new footage...
Rebellion Announces Rebellion Unplugged Board Game...
November 20, 2019 – Rebellion, one of Europe’s largest independent creative studios, is proud to announce its brand new board game division, Rebellion Unplugged. The first game from...