Mike Ausiello in his TV Guide Blog has reported that NBC plans a spin-off from the Office featuring characters we have not met yet. There is to be an episode of the Office coming up...
Tag - CES
LucasArts and Bioware Announce ‘Alliance’
Gamespot is reporting that LucasArts and Bioware have joined forces on some upcomming mystery project. Could this be the KOTOR MMO that has been rumored for the last few weeks? From the...
AMDs Veldenstein: Future is Combining CPU and GPU
Gamasutra has an interview with AMD’s VP of Strategic Development Bob Veldenstein where he ‘enlightens’ us on the ‘future’ of combined CPU/GPU machines. From...
Epic President Wanted to Cut Gears of War Multiplayer...
Joystiq is reporting that at one point, Epic President Mike Capps had considered pulling two of the most succesful things surrounding Gears of War, it’s multiplayer and it’s...
Review of Ace Combat 6
1up has posted their review of Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation and given it a not-so-great 6.5 out of 10! And here I was hoping it would be an amazing game, well worth the expensive...
Preview of Condemned 2: Bloodshot
1up has posted a preview of Condemned 2: Bloodshot for the Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles. The first Condemned ended up a sleeper hit, gaining a large fanbase. This time arounf it appears as...
Guitar Controller Incompatibility A Possibility!
1up is reporting on a rumor that seems to have some weight to it suggesting that the controllers for Rock Band and Guitar Hero III will NOT be cross compatible. If this is the case it means...
The U.S. Postal Service Unleashes the Force!
Yahoo reports that the United States Postal Serivce is releasing a stamp featuring everyone’s favorite Jedi Master, Master Yoda!As of today (Thursday), the stamp which was once part...
Spiritual Tribes Sequel Coming From GarageGames
Shacknews is reporting that sources are claiming GarageGames has begun working on a Tribes-style shooter. As a person who played Tribes to death and loved every second of it I can’t...
1up’s Clive Barker’s Jericho Review
1up has posted their review of the horror FPS Clive Barker’s Jericho, lambasting it with a 3.0 out of 10! And here I thought this would be a good game. An excerpt of its destructive...