BioShock Music List Posted

Joystiq has posted the music list used in BioShock. Obviously these are standards used in the game, not the score masterfully crafted by Garry Schyman. From the article: ’20th Century...

Call of Duty 4 Demo Released

Yahoo Videogames now has the Call of Duty 4 demo available for download. The demo is 1.4Gb and features a full level of the single-player campaign. This mission has you fighting through a...

Halo 3 Review

The third game in the Halo trilogy still suffers, albeit slightly, from the quirks of its predecessors. Even with this, the game is a very fun play with a great story. Microsoft definitely...

Zune 2 Interface Inspection

Engadget has reported on ZuneRama’s inspection of the nuances of Zune 2’s user interface. Notable differences include the volume setting reaching 40 (versus 20 on the existing...