THQ Closing Kaos Studios

Develop reports that THQ has begun closing down Kaos Studios, developer of the ill-received Homefront. Apparently, THQ is putting THQ Montreal in charge of the Homefront franchise for...

Hanging with Majesco at E3

It was a pleasure to spend some time with the fine people at the Majesco booth at E3.  They were showing off a wide range of titles that I was able to spend some hands-on time with. I got...

Icebreaker Review for iOS

Icebreaker is a new title from Natural Motion and Digital Legends Entertainment.  As the title implies, this is a hockey based game for the iPhone.  So I ask, can a hockey-themed minigame...

Steel Series Visit at E3 2011

While at E3, I had the opportunity to sit down with Steel Series and get my hands on a couple of their hotly anticipated PC Peripherals, the co-branded Diablo III Mouse and Headset. The...