Category - E3

E3 2008 – Bethesda E3 After Party

Well Shogunites, we’ve just gotten back from an E3 after party, generously hosted by Bethesda at the Saddle Ranch Chop House, off Sunset Blvd in Los Angeles. I’d estimate around 100 people attended. What can I say? Good food, free...

E3 2008 – Our Preparations Underway

You can feel it coming…Anticipatory excitement like mild electricity surging through your body… E3 is close. And this year, we will be covering the expo for the first time. And yet, many people I talk to about E3 seem ambivalent... E3 Appointment Calendar

With E3 just around the corner, we thought we would share our official appointment calendar with our loyal readers. We have set up some pretty cool demos such as Left4Dead, Fallout 3, Project Origin, and a bunch more. This list is only our...