Author - Jerry Paxton

Mass Effect CE Goodies

1up has posted the contents of the collector’s edition of Mass Effect, the next BioWare RPG in the pipe. It will include a ‘Galactic Codex: Essentials’ book that sounds like it will serve as a sort of encyclopedia for the world of Mass Effect. There will also be an art book, and a 2nd DVD included with featurettes on the game’s art and storytelling.

Microsoft Confirms Bungie Split

Gamasutra is reporting that Microsoft has officially announced Bungie to be ‘on a path to become an independent company’.

Microsoft Game Studios president Shame Kim said that Microsoft would support Bungie’s ‘desire to return to its independent roots,’ but made clear that the move didn’t mean an end to the Halo franchise.

‘We will continue to invest in our Halo entertainment property with Bungie and other partners, such as Peter Jackson,’ said Kim, ‘on a new interactive series set in the Halo universe. We look forward to great success with Bungie as our long-term relationship continues to evolve through Halo-related titles and new IP created by Bungie.’

Watch your naughty bits, iPod owners!

Action News in Atlanta reports on a man who claims his iPod Nano (which was in the front pocket in the pants he actually had on his legs) burst into flames!  

According to the victim, the flames lasted about 15 seconds (what the hell was he doing?  watching them?) and came up to his chest.

The lithium-ion battery used in iPods is similar to those recently recalled in laptops due to fire risk.  Apple has vowed to replace the man’s iPod but refused to comment further about this incident.

NC Soft Gives Birth to Carbine Studios

Gamasutra is reporting that NC Soft has recently created Carbine Studios in Aliso Viejo, CA. Made up of 17 former Blizzard employees and former Fallout programmer and designer Tim Cain among others. Currently Carbine Studios is working on an unannounced MMO for NC Soft.

Tabula Rasa Delayed Until Nov 2nd

Joystiq is reporting that Lord Garriot’s Tabula Rasa is being delayed from the October 19th release date to November 2nd. The official press release states, ‘This short but critical amount of time will give us time to address several issues including stability and balance as well as allowing our players to test the continent of Ligo (L38+) and our major changes to crafting for a few weeks rather than a few days.’

Belkin Launches n52te SpeedPad

Belkin has released their n52te SpeedPad, the latest in a line of one-handed controllers designed to put everything a gamer needs right at his or her fingertips. We are currently attempting to obtain one for evaluation and will let you know more when we do.

Conflict: Denied Ops Impressions

Joystiq has posted their impressions of Conflict: Denied Ops, a two-person vs everyone else shooter for the Xbox 360 and  PS3. Apparently the visuals need alot of work and when compared to similar-themed game Kane & Lynch, this one ‘falls flat’. Conflict: Denied Ops is set for a Q1 2008 release.