Author - Jerry Paxton

Silent Hill: Book of Memories Screenshots

Konami has released several new screenshots from their upcoming Silent Hill: Book of Memories, which is due out on the PlayStation Vita come February.


Four New Max Payne 3 Screenshots

Rockstar Games has released four new screenshots from their upcoming Max Payne 3, which is coming in March of 2012 for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.


World of Tanks Update 7 Screenshots has released some new screenshots from their upcoming “Update 7” for online tank game, World of Tanks. The new update will see the launch of two new maps as well as customizable tank camoflage schemes.


Happy Halloween 2011

From all of us at, we would just like to say thanks for reading our October-themed coverage this month and we hope you have a ghoulishly-scary and Happy Halloween night! Stay classy out there, people!


Postal III to Launch on Steam

Akella and Running With Scissors have announced that their upcoming Postal III will launch on the Steam platform this December.

Initially available in PC format, deals are already in motion to bring the game to console format.  “It’s been a long, hard journey to get it here,” Akella’s Andrew Belkin acknowledged. “But I couldn’t have written a happier ending than seeing POSTAL III on Steam!”

Wargame: European Escalation Delayed – New Screens

Focus Home Interactive and Eugen Systems have announced that their forthcoming strategy title, Wargame: European Escalation, has been delayed until sometime in 2012 for the Windows PC platform. They delay was made “to ensure Wargame: European Escalation offers the best possible experience both in single player and in multiplayer”. Additionally, they put out some new screenshots to soften the blow.
