Today Deep Silver and YS Net Inc. are pleased to announce that Shenmue III is now available on Steam. To celebrate the launch, Shenmue III and its DLC will be on sale for the entire weekend.

Pricing Details on launch weekend (Nov 19 – Nov 23)

  • Shenmue III (base game) for $49.99 – (66% discount Nov 19-23)
  • Shenmue III Deluxe Edition – $64.98 – (66% discount Nov 19-23)
  • DLC 1 Big Merry Cruise – $3.29 – (60% discount Nov 19-23)
  • DLC 2 Battle Rally – $7.99 – (60% discount Nov 19-23)
  • DLC 3 Story quest pack – $5.99 – (60% discount Nov 19-23)
  • Season Pass bundle (3 DLCs) – (15% discount on the full bundle Nov 19-23)

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Long-time site contributor, Boothby prefers to live in the shadows of the Dark Web...