June 23, 2016 — Nothing quite shocks the senses like the chilly winds and intense air-battles of 1940s southeast Asia. Today’s summery FTSOC Steam update not only improves multiplayer features, but also retrofits cockpit view/support, starting with a functional inside rendition of the RAF’s tropical Spitfire Mk. V. Furthermore, a pair of new fighters have been made available namely the Allied P-47D “Thunderbolt” and the Japanese Ki-44 Shoki “Toji”, each with a decent selection of skins and over-the-radio voice shouts in American, Chinese, Russian and Japanese languages.
Steam Store URL: store.steampowered.com/app/365810
Game Website: AirCombatAction.com
Game Website: AirCombatAction.com
“Cockpit/Contender” Update Overview:
- Added support for cockpit view. Just getting started on fighter interiors. Buckle up in the Spitfire Mk. V fighter in the Multiplayer, Dogfight or Free Flight modes (press “V” to cycle cameras/cockpit).
- Online features improved. Collapsed multiplayer JOIN/HOST menus for better overview and accessibility, improved lobby/match views, added Steam invites (via lobby and pause screens), Leaderboards readily accessible, Steam profile avatars used for both multiplayer games and match stats, adjusted formatting/layout to make native chat more pleasant (use RETURN/ENTER to toggle chat).
- Multiplayer modes. Flying below 200 ft partially hides you allowing for interesting escapes and sudden “jumps” on opponents. Player health for all multiplayer modes now displayed in the match stats/overview.
- Visuals. Improved scene rendering for increased shadow and tree stability on (resulting in a less distractive landscape view).
- Just for fun. Implemented real-time “documentary” color modes; sepia, black & white and vintage filters (available via the DISPLAY SETTINGS menu).
- Two new fighter aircraft. P-47D “Thunderbolt” and Ki-44 Shōki “Toji” fighters with multiple skins and voice shouts.