July 13, 2016 – Command LIVE is a very ambitious project. Its aim is to recreate highly accurate scenarios from real-world situations and events, as they happen.

WarfareSims has teamed up with the best editors and modders from the community, to create short, engaging scenarios that re-create real life events. Where geopolitical instability calls for military power to come into play, the Command LIVE project calls for players.

The first DLC to be released under this name is Old Grudges Never Die. Players take control of either Russian or Turkish forces in the attempt to maintain national honor and pride, while keeping a lid on hostilities to prevent the outbreak of larger conflict.

This scenario follows on from the real events of November 2015, when a Russian Su-24 was shot down by a Turkish F-16. The consequent geopolitical situation and the interests at stake, including the involvement of NATO, Syrian and rebel forces and ISIS, create a set of circumstances where every false move can end up in a bloodshed.

To better understand the historical landscape and the forces in play, the Command LIVE News Network has put a reporter on the ground and we just received their video report. The editorial team has also sent a report that we have published into the first issue of a newspaper that will be published alongside each Command LIVE scenario.

Old Grudges Never Die is an expansion for Command: Modern/Air Naval Operations will be available on July 19th on our stores and on Steam!

Check for more details from its product page here!

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of GamingShogun.com