Gamasutra is reporting that Microsoft has officially announced Bungie to be ‘on a path to become an independent company’. Microsoft Game Studios president Shame Kim said that...
Tag - ios
NC Soft Gives Birth to Carbine Studios
Gamasutra is reporting that NC Soft has recently created Carbine Studios in Aliso Viejo, CA. Made up of 17 former Blizzard employees and former Fallout programmer and designer Tim Cain...
Etcha-Sketchist Bio-Shock Art
EtchaSketchist has posted his latest creation, based on the game BioShock. It is pretty darn creative of the dude. I can’t imagine how long it must have taken him to create it.
Radio Shack to Sell Games…Again
Joystiq reports that Radio Shack will begin selling games again on September 24th. I say again because they have sold games in the past. I recall being a much younger person, rummaging...
WETA Warthog in Action Video – Awesome!
Break has a video showing the WETA Warthog in action around their studios. The guys there are definitely having a great time playing with it and who can blame them! They should just work on...
FASA Studios Closed
Mitch Gitelman at the official Shadowrun forums has announced the official closing of FASA Studios, the fine folks that brought us the Mechwarrior, Crimson Skies, and Shadowrun titles.
GamingTrend’s 52 Minutes with Bill Roper
GamingTrend has a pretty informative interview with Flagship Studios’ Bill Roper. Hellgate has sure been generating alot of buzz with it’s impending release. Looks like it will...
BioShock Addiction – A Horrible Affliction
Bsams has posted an article on BioShock addiction. I warn you…Some of the images on the page are very disturbing. SFW though so have fun!
BioShock Score For Free
Cult of Rapture has released the amazing orchestral score of BioShock for free to download. The score sets the mood of the game perfectly. Can’t wait to download this ASAP.
BioShock Review
The Good: Great story, graphics, gameplay, you name it. The Bad: It didn’t grant me superpowers. Summary: This spiritual successor to the System Shock series does them every justice...