Category - Trailers / Videos

New Kartuga Trailer Reveals Ship Types

Hamburg, February 1, 2013. As InnoGames’ pirate-action game Kartuga nears closed beta, the first detailed information about the title’s ship types are announced. Players have the choice between light, medium and large layouts...

Cities in Motion 2 Gameplay Trailer

NEW YORK – January 28, 2013 – Paradox Interactive, a publisher of games and everyday user of public transit, today revealed the first-ever trailer with in-game footage for upcoming transportation simulator Cities in Motion 2, the follow-up to...

Heroes Of Newerth Preview (PC)

During CES, I got a chance to meet up with a contributing writer and good friend of the site, and he wanted me to meet a few people.  In the veritable sea of cellular phone cases in the convention center’s North Hall sat a little space...