Category - Trailers / Videos

Aliens: Colonial Marines – Concept to...

SEGA and Gearbox Software have released a new video showing off the progression of the alien hive from the film to the game concept art and into the final game. Get ready to check those corners on February 12, 2013 when it comes out on Xbox...

SimCity Intro Video Sneak Peak Released

JANUARY 9, 2013 – Today Maxis showed off the latest video for SimCity – the introduction video that will kick start players’ experiences as soon as they login into the game. Using all gameplay footage, the video shows off Multi-city play...

Warm Bodies Movie Trailer

Here is a new trailer for the upcoming zombie flick, Warm Bodies, which is set to release on February 1st. The film seems to have a cool take on the zombie movie genre, we will see how the full movie is soon enough. Enjoy! Trailer