Category - Trailers / Videos

Metro: Last Light Redemption Trailer

April 29, 2013 – LARKSPUR, CA – Deep Silver today released a new in game trailer for Metro: Last Light, titled ‘Redemption.’ Anna, the Spartan Order of Rangers’ top sniper and daughter of their uncompromising leader Miller, talks about...

Watch_Dogs Gameplay Trailer

Ubisoft has released a new gameplay trailer for their upcoming Watch_Dogs, which will be available in North America on November 19 for the PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft...

Telltale Games’ Poker Night 2 Launch...

April 25, 2013 — It’s officially LAUNCH DAY for Telltale Games’ Poker Night 2 on Xbox LIVE Marketplace across the world!  Release date on Steam will be this Friday, April 26th, followed by April 30th on PlayStation Network for...