Category - Trailers / Videos

World of Tanks Blitz Gameplay Details...

May 3, 2013 – Wargaming is happy to give behind-the-scenes look at the making of World of Tanks Blitz. Its gameplay footage, followed by interviews with developers, has been sneak peaked during company’s monthly infotainment show...

NHL 14 Collision Physics Gameplay Trailer

May 2, 2013 – EA SPORTSTM released today the first of three gameplay developer diaries for NHL 14. This NHL 14 Gameplay Developer Diary features a first look at NHL® Collision Physics, including behind-the-scenes footage of the EA SPORTS...

New Guncraft Gameplay Video Released

May 2nd, 2013 — Exato Game Studios and Reverb Publishing are “blocked and loaded” with a new video for Guncraft, showing how players can build in the heat of battle to gain the upper hand. Unlike similar games, Guncraft enables players to...

Remember Me Memories Video

Here is a new video for Capcom’s upcoming Remember Me, where Jean Maxime-Moris, Creative Director at developer DONTNOD Entertainment, discusses the game’s Memory mechanics. Remember Me is set to release on June 4, 2013. Video

GRID 2 LiveRoutes System Showcased in New...

Los Angeles, Calif. – May 1, 2013 – Featured exclusively in GRID 2™, LiveRoutes™ is the ground-breaking new system that dynamically changes the course of a race track on the fly. Today, Codemasters® revealed the technology in action with a new...