Category - News

Live Action Robotech Movie

Engadget is reporting via the Hollywood Reporter that Tobey Maguire is going to produce and perhaps star in a live action adaptation of the popular animation series, Robotech. Yay?

Airbus 380 Bathroom

Gizmodo is reporting that the Airbus 380 has a window in it’s bathroom as well as designer lid! Airplane bathrooms make me nervous. I am always worried we will hit an air pocket while I am doing my business. Thats why I recommend doing...

Far Cry 2 Public Demo

Joystiq has an article up on the Far Cry 2 public demo at the Leipzig gaming conference (one of the big ‘uns now that E3 is gone). Far Cry 2 retains the original game’s open design with a 50 sq. km world where you can go anywhere...

Street Fighter 2 Gets Director

TheMovieBlog is reporting that the new Street Fighter movie has a director. Did we really need another Street Fighter movie? Did you come running out of the theatre as a kid going, ‘Hell yes that movie was rad!’? No. No one did.

Tampon Ad (SFW)

Technews has a VERY clever advertisement for tampons. While not exactly geek news, it did make me laugh so I thought I would share it anyway.