Category - News

Watch Ubidays Live Coverage Via UPLAY

The Ubidays’ opening conference will be streamed live via at 7pm on Wednesday, May 28th (Paris time). Ubidays is a large conference put on by Ubisoft to promote the company’s upcoming game line-up. Sign up to watch the...

Bethsoft – Splash Damage Partnership

Bethsoft has penned a ‘long-term partnership’ with Splash Damage, a United Kindom-based studio most well known for their Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory. Their next project will be announced in ‘coming months’. Official...

Race Driver: GRID Demo – Over One...

According to Codemasters, their demo for the the upcoming racer, Race Driver: GRID, has been downloaded over one million times for on the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC platforms. The racer will be released on June 3rd in North America and May 30th in...

First 9 Minutes of Haze

Here we have a very cool vid featuring the first nine minutes of the game Haze. Set for a release date of May 20th, the PS3 exclusive is a first-person shooter in which soldiers use super-drugs to modify their abilities. Just watch out for...

Haze 4v4 Tournament Announced

Ubisoft, Game Crazy, and the GGL have partnered to create a 4 vs 4 Haze tournament. Registration is open now with the tournament set to begin 06/04/08 to 08/03/08. You can find the official tournament page here. Official Release:Ubisoft, Game...

LucasArts Leaves the ESA

Some breaking news Shogunites, looks like LucasArts has officially left the ESA (after several others did the same a week ago), but will STILL be showing at E3 this year.LucasArts made this statement:‘We can confirm that LucasArts is no...

Ken Levine to Keynote PAX 2008

Looks like the 2008 Penny Arcade Expo will get a great keynote speaker this year in the form of 2K Boston’s Ken Levine. Levine, the Creative Director for 2K Boston has worked on a vast library of titles, including BioShock. Before 2K...