Category - News

Bungie & MS Splitting?

8bitjoystick has posted that a source of theirs in Redmond is saying Bungie is readying to split away from Microsoft. This story, obviously still in the unconfirmed stage as Microsoft will only reply with, ‘There’s been no such...

Sony PRS-505 eReader Ships This Month

Engadget is reporting that Sony is preparing to ship it’s next eReader later this month sporting an all-new look, higher-speed USB interface, and a higher contrast-level/response-time display. The unit will retail for $300 dollars.

Advance Wars 2 Shown in Paris

1up is reporting that Advance Wars 2 has been shown to Paris press folk recently, revealing some new details about the game. One of the biggest is the change to a more mature style of anime graphics instead of the more whimsical nature of the...

Cooking Mama 2 Hands-On

Joystiq has posted a ‘hands-on’ report of Cooking Mama 2 for the Nintendo DS. This time around you can look forward to more recipes, more ingredients, as well as a multiplayer mode.