Category - News

Mass Effect GOLD!

Announced today: Mass Effect has gone gold! The game is set to go retail on November 20th. If you pre-order the game you get a special pre-order DVD with a short documentary on the game as well as a demo of Blue Dragon and some videos of Halo...

SanDisk to Unveil Video Service / TakeTV

MSNBC reports that SanDisk, one of the more successful manufacturers of USB flash drives, announced Monday a new service and product to further bridge the gap between the PC and television.The Service – FanFare is a video service offering...

AICN E For All Day 2 Coverage

AICN has posted their coverage of day two at the E For All gaming expo in Los Angeles, CA. It seems fairly apparent to most attendees that the crowds were not anything like those of E3, but that is okay. Hopefully next year the expo will have...

Toshiba/Microsoft Prepping HD-DVD Drive...

GameSpot is reporting on a rumor first heard from Australian tech site that Toshiba has partnered with Microsoft to begin production of HD-DVD drive-equipped Xbox 360s to combat the PS3’s built-in Blu-Ray drive. From the...

Online Poker Site Hacked by Employee

MSNBC reports that an employee of hacked the system to allow him to see other players’ hole cards. The employee purportedly went on a major winning streak earning somewhere between $400,000 and $700,000 in very short...

Gears of War for Windows GOLD! is reporting on a Microsoft announcement today that Gears of War for the PC has gone gold. From the Article: ‘Microsoft Game Studios announced today the game has gone gold for its November 6 release. Though PC enthusiasts may feel...

Lost Planet Going to PS3 in Early ’08

GameSpot is reporting that Capcom has recently announced one Xbox-exclusive shooter Lost Planet will be arriving on PS3 shelves early 2008. From the article: ‘Capcom stated that the PS3 version of Lost Planet will feature all the content...

Microsoft Announces HD-DVD Deal

GamesIndustry is reporting that Microsoft has announced a special HD-DVD deal for the holiday season. From the article: ‘The company has announced that it will hand out five free HD-DVD titles from a selection of 13 films to customers...