Category - News

Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce Multplayer Mode...

KOEI released a very informative video today showing off the different multiplayer modes in their upcoming Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce. The game, which is due out on February 16th in North America, features the ability for your characters to...

Just Cause 2 Pre-Order Trailer

Square Enix Europe and Avalanche Studios have released a ‘Pre-Order Trailer’ for their upcoming Just Cause 2. The trailer shows off all the goodies you will get for pre-ordering the game, which is due out March 26th, as well as...

Splinter Cell: Coviction and RUSE Delayed

Ubisoft has announced in their UPDATE ON THIRD FISCAL QUARTER PERFORMANCE AND ANNUAL TARGETS that Spinter Cell: Conviction has been pushed back to April of this year while R.U.S.E. will now released sometime in the fourth quarter of 2010-11...

Star Trek Online Open Beta Begins

Cryptic Studios has announced that the open beta test of their upcoming MMO, Star Trek Online, has begun. The test will run until January 26th and should give players plenty of time to get a feel for both the game’s space and ground...

Fraud Trailer for Dante’s Inferno

In this latest installment of the Dante’s Inferno circle of Hell trailer, they focus on Fraud – the 8th circle. Fraud is full of all manner of evil creatures, many of which were sent there for being deceitful in their mortal lives...

Star Trek Name that Ship Contest Ends

Star Trek Online has ended their ‘Name That Ship’ contest, announcing the chosen names for the three tier 5 starships. These ships represent the top-of-the-line vessels for Federation players in the upcoming MMO, which is due out on...