Category - News

The Sims 3 Hangover Trailer

Plumbob Pictures have released a new machinima trailer which can only be described as a hybrid trailer for The Hangover II and Electronic Arts The Sims 3. Enjoy! [stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//

Sengoku Developer Diary 2

Paradox Interactive has released a second developer diary for their upcoming wargame, Sengoku. This time, the dev team goes into the game’s various factions and how they inter-relate with one another. Sengoku is due out on Windows PCs...

Memorial Day 2011

On this Memorial Day 2011, we just wanted to take a moment to remember all of the servicemen and women who gave their lives in defense of liberty.

EA Pwned Goes Behind Battlefield 3

In the latest edition of EA Pwned, the Pwned team goes to Stockholm to see under the hood of Battlefield 3, which is due out this Fall on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Windows PC platforms. While the interviewers of the EA Pwned crew come...

EVE Online Captain’s Quarters...

CCP Games has released a new video for the upcoming Captain’s Quarters feature for their popular sci-fi MMO, EVE Online. The update is scheduled to take place this Summer and will give starship captains the chance to explore their vessels...

New FIFA 12 Screenshots

In addition to the Player Impact Engine trailer for FIFA 12, EA Sports has also released a large batch of screenshots for the title. The game currently has no announced release date but we will be previewing it at this year’s E3 expo in...

Gears of War 3 World Premiere Trailer

EPIC Games and Microsoft Game Studios have released the world premier trailer for their upcoming Gears of War 3 as well as announced its official release date of September 20th, 2011. [stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A//

Majesco Announces Hulk Hogan’s Main...

Majesco and Panic Button have announced that they are teaming up with wrestling icon Hulk Hogan to develop Hulk Hogan’s Main Event for KINECT on the Xbox 360 platform. Hulk Hogan’s Main Event allows players to be trained by Hogan...