Author - Jerry Paxton

China MMO Bans Males Playing As Females

PacificEpoch reports that Shanda subsidiary Aurora Technology has frozen game accounts of male players who chose to play female in-game characters in its in-house developed MMORPG King of the World, reports 17173. Aurora stipulates that only female gamers can play female characters in the game, and it requires gamers who chose female characters to prove their biological sex with a webcam, according to the report.

Halo Mimibot USB Drives

Engadget has posted that Mimoco will be selling Halo Mimibot USB drives starting October 18th. They will come in a variety of colors and in 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB flavors. The oddly-shaped little fellas seem to have captured gaming hearts everywhere.

Clive Barker’s Jericho Demo Wednesday

GameSpot will be presenting the demo for Clive Barker’s Jericho Wednesday. Jericho, a horror FPS for the PC, Xbox 360, and PS3. In the demo for Barker’s latest supernatural shooter, players will attempt to survive during the Crusades time period after their strike force has been decimated by the evil forces controlling the city of Al-Khali.

Halo 3 Nerd Wears Full Suit to NYC Launch Event

Joystiq is reporting that one rabid fan wore a full Master Chief suit to a Halo 3 launch event at a Best Buy in NYC. Jim Cush, who put the suit together over a period of time has this to say, ‘I want to be buried in it. They’ll dig me up 10,000 years from now and say, ‘He must have been king.”.

Parallel Universe Exists

BreitBart has posted that parallel universes really do exist, according to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists described by one expert as ‘one of the most important developments in the history of science’. The parallel universe theory, first proposed in 1950 by the US physicist Hugh Everett, helps explain mysteries of quantum mechanics that have baffled scientists for decades, it is claimed.

Pretty exciting stuff.

Resident Evil: Racist Video Game Series?

Joystiq  is posting that an author on calls Resident Evil a ‘Racist video game series’ and that players who begin one of the games ‘will likely enter a world little-known beyond the expensive and expansive universe of gaming, a world increasingly populated with very dangerous depictions of nonwhites’. The author only covers RE4 and RE5 in declaring the series racist. For RE4 he says its Spaniards have ‘stereotypical Mexican accents’ and that RE5 ‘could be a training video for a white supremacist race war or another U.S. military adventure in one of the increasing numbers of deserts on the planet.’