Author - Jerry Paxton

Gamespot Super Mario Galaxy Review

Gamespot has posted its review of Super Mario Galaxy for the Nintendo Wii. It ranked the highly-anticipated title with a 9.5 out of 10 Editors Choice and tout SMG as ‘the Wii’s game to beat and one of Mario’s greatest adventures yet’.

From the article:
Here is the game that Wii owners have been pining for, a game that has tons of appeal for both the less experienced player and the longtime gamer. A game that deftly combines accessibility and challenge, all wrapped up in a package that’s both deep and addictive. Super Mario Galaxy is all of this and more. It is simultaneously one of Mario’s best adventures and a game that doesn’t require fandom of the portly plumber’s previous engagements to appreciate. The sheer quality of Mario Galaxy’s wonderful level designs, tight controls, and brilliant presentation is the sort of thing that just about anyone who loves gaming should be able to appreciate, and that many will fall head-over-heels for.

Bungie Hinting About Halo 3 Downloadable Content

Joystiq is reporting on the downloadable content planned for Halo 3. According to the article, Bungie has hinted that there are several maps in the works. Though some are earlier in the development process than others. The first is ‘O.K. Corral,’ an asymmetrical medium-sized map that Bungie’s Luke Smith says has kind of a sunset feel with plenty of catwalks and alleyways. In addition to the briefly mentioned ‘Purple Reign’ and ‘Jodrell Bank,’ we’re also excited about ‘Vandelay,’ described as the
simplest map the company’s ever done, which has been crafted to show off the possibilities of the Forge system.

God of War 3 Confirmed for PS3

Gamespot reports that God of War III has been officially announced for the PS3 and is being developed in SCEA’s Santa Monica studio. However, this announcement comes along with news that Cory Bartlog, the game’s Directory, has left the company’s Santa Monica studio and , perhaps, the company altogether. There has been no official reason given for this, nor any reason given on his personal blog.

From the article:
Unfortunately, the God of War III announcement was tempered by some bittersweet news. SCEA has confirmed Barlog himself no longer works at the company’s Santa Monica studio. ‘We are grateful for his work and creative vision for the critically acclaimed God of War franchise,’ the company said in a brief statement in which it expressed faith in the remaining members of the GOWIII and God of War: Chains of Olympus teams.

From God of War II:

Gamespot Dementium: The Ward Review

Gamespot has posted their review on Dementium: The Ward for the Nintendo DS giving it a 7.5 out of 10.

From the article:
Is it possible to be legitimately spooked by a handheld game? Console games have been designed to make use of the home field advantages of having a large screen and complete control over lighting to enhance the experience for years, but when you’re playing on a tiny screen on the bus, can the experience compare? The answer, as proven by FPS-with-a-dash-of-survival horror Dementium: The Ward, is a resounding yes, though its inherent flaws prevent it from truly becoming that which it aspires to be.

Personally, I am looking forward to picking up a copy of this soon.

Gamespot Call of Duty 4 Review

Gamespot has posted their review on Call of Duty 4 for the PC, giving it a solid 9.0 out of 10 with Editor’s Choice rating.

From the article:
The single-player campaign is over in a flash, but the high quality of that campaign and its terrific multiplayer options make Call of Duty 4 a fantastic package.

From Wikipedia:
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision for Windows, PlayStation 3, Nintendo DS, and Xbox 360. It will be the eighth installment in the Call of Duty video game series (including expansions), the first not to be set during World War II, and the first to be rated ‘M’ for Mature by the ESRB. It was announced on April 25, 2007. It was released on November 6, 2007 in North America, and in Australia on November 7, 2007. It will be released on November 9, 2007 in Europe. The game will also be available on Steam on November 12, 2007.

Sony Ericson 3G USB Modem for PC/Mac

Engadget is reporting on Sony Ericson’s latest, the MD300 3G USB Modem for your PC or Mac. This little beauty will let you connect to 3G networks anywhere possible. This is, need I remind you, a relatively high-speed cellular network used by cellphones mainly, allowing access to the net from well beyong wi-fi ranges. The unit should be available Q1 of 2008 but here’s the catch: it could be Europe-only! There is no word yet as to whether it will be released here in the states. We will keep our fingers crossed!

South Park Takes on Guitar Hero this Wednesday

Joystiq reports that this Wednesday’s South Park titled ‘Guitar Queer-O’ should be will see Kyle jealous over Stan’s superior skills at the game. South Park has recently taken on video gaming with their emmy-award-winning ‘Make Love, Not Warcraft’ episode, and the previews make this upcoming tale of video game geekdom look great too!

Writer’s Strike Updates

AICN is reporting on the current writer’s strike and the number of people picketting their own shows. Such folks include the ENTIRE cast of ‘The Office’, the writing staff (including Ron Moore) of ‘Battlestar Galactica’, and ‘The Unit’ showrunner Shawn Ryan and show star Robert Patrick!

Late night television has already been affected save for Jon Stewart who is paying his writer’s out of pocket for the next two weeks. At some point the studios will be hearing an echo from their piggybanks as viewers get tired of reruns, hack written replacement shows, and other crap. Ah hell, I say we just make every channel 100% commercials 100% of the time. Maybe then folks would get back to more important pursuits…like gaming!

Best Home Theatre Install – CEDIA 2007

Gizmodo has posted a news item on the winner of the ‘Best Home Theatre Install’ at CEDIA 2007. The home theatre was designed and built to look similar to the bridge of the USS NCC-1701E Enterprise. While not a direct recreation, it definitely works as a home theatre. Automatic ‘swooshing’ doors, LEDs, and even a red alert button top off this tasty cake. The owner wished to remain anonymous but with this much geek goodness floating about, we can’t understand why. A room like that is guaranteed to get you laid, right?

Gamespot Gears of War PC Review

Gamespot has posted its review of Gears of War for the PC. They give it a hearty 9 out of 10 ‘Editors Choice’ and, well, basically praise it up a whole lot. Despite all the praise, they do expound on some negatives, such as the new chapters having a different feel than the original ones, the system requirements are immense to run it the way it was meant to be run, and difficulty is not exactly balanced yet in some areas.