Author - Jerry Paxton

Gamespot Crysis Review

Gamespot has posted it’s review of Crytek’s latest FPS, Crysis. They scored it a 9.5 out of 10 editor’s choice rating! With the hype this game has been generating, it is nice to see a very positive review.

From the article:
If you put it all together, Crysis is just remarkable. This is a game that pushes the envelope in terms of both technology and gameplay and does so with aplomb. Crysis raises the expectations for every shooter to follow when it comes to graphics, interactivity, environments, immersiveness, AI, and gameplay. Quite simply, Crysis represents the first-person shooter at its finest, most evolved form.

New Assasin’s Creed Launch Trailer!

1up has posted the Assasin’s Creed launch trailer! This latest trailer shows some amazing fight footage as well as just being badass. The game takes place during the Third Crusade, in the year 1191. The player assumes the role of Altaïr (??????, Arabic, ‘The Flying One’), a member of the Hashshashin sect (the original ‘assassins’), whose objective is to slay the nine historical figures who are propagating the Crusades. As the player finds and kills these targets, their conspiracy is unveiled. The player will be able to travel through three cities: Jerusalem, Acre and Damascus.

New Zunes Go Live

Engadget is reporting on today’s launch of the next generation Zune audio players by Microsoft. These include the Zune 2 (also known as the Zune 80), the Zune 30, and smaller Zunes 4 and 8. In addition the new media software has gone live and is available for download or upgrade if you have the older version. In fact, the older Zunes will be privy to the upgrades of the new Zune 30 via firmware updates. That includes the wireless PC-to-Zune music transfer!

See Spock in Full Makeup!

AICN has posted the latest leaked images of the actor Zachary Quinto in full Spock makeup on the set of JJ Abrams’ Star Trek flick. The makeup looks great and he really embodies Spock visually. I just hope his performance matches up to his look. Pictures down below along with an image of the retro-style teaser poster. Enjoy!

1up Reviews DiRT for the PS3

1up has posted their review of DiRT for the PS3, giving the racer a solid 8.4 out of 10. They seem to really like the rally-racer game which has sold very well on the XBOX 360 as well as the PC.

From the article:
DiRT still does the same man vs. clock thing McRae has always done. It continues to place drivers on unpaved tracks that feel too skinny for a tricycle, never mind a full-grown automobile, and it certainly hasn’t let up on a car-physics model that’s been dubbed by some as too difficult and by serious car jocks as admirably authentic. But now there’s so much more.

Buy Your Very Own Weighted Companion Cube

Joystiq is reporting that the Valve store if prepping to sell plush Weighted Companion Cubes (from the excellent puzzle game Portal). For those that don’t know, Portal is a single-player first-person action/puzzle video game developed by Valve. The game was released in a bundle package known as The Orange Box for PC and Xbox 360 on October 10, 2007, and will be released for the PlayStation 3 on November 23, 2007. The Windows version of the game is also available for download separately through Steam. The game consists primarily of a series of puzzles which must be solved by teleporting the player’s character and other simple objects using the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (the ‘portal gun’). The goal of each puzzle is to reach an exit point. The ‘portal gun’ and the unusual physics it creates are the emphasis of this game.

Google’s Android OS Early-Look SDK Available Now

Engadget is reporting that an ‘early-look’ version of Google’s Android OS SDK is now available. The Android OS, of course, will be the operating system used in any company’s Google Phone that is produced. The SDK will allow that OS to be largely customizeable while keeping the common OS for compatibility.

I myself am … strange and unusual

MSN Movies reports that Winona Ryder has been cast to play young Spock’s mother in the upcoming JJ Abrams Star Trek movie.

We can only hope the cast and crew of the movie take daily inventories of the equipment in light if Ms. Ryder’s light fingered history…

GameSpot Hellgate: London Review

GameSpot has posted it’s review of Flagship Studio’s Hellgate: London and given it a 7.0 out of 10. This game was highly-anticipated for it’s procedural levels and enemy layouts but the actual execution is less-than-stellar.

From the article:
Hellgate: London is a likeable action role-playing game that answers the question ‘What would happen if you took all the loot lust from Diablo and fit it into a first-person shooter?’ OK, maybe you weren’t asking that question, but Hellgate is an interesting game. It will probably come into its own after a few more patches, but right now, it has almost as many issues as strengths.