Today, Offworld has launched Update 8.0 – Iron Thunder for its 50v50 military FPS Squad, a collection of upgrades and additions headlined by the introduction of new units for the USA, TLF and RGF factions. All three factions have now received supplemental armored, mechanized or support units—including the T90A Tank for the RGF, and the UH60 Helicopter for the TLF. The implementation of these new units has also been paired with a revamp of the anti-tank guided missile system: ATGMS now have various strengths and weaknesses based on their guidance method, necessitating deeper strategizing when fending off enemy vehicles. In addition to these features, Update 8.0 – Iron Thunder also adds new loading screens, weapon skins & more!

The new Weapon Skins pack—entitled the Clash Pack—contains three weapon skins for use with the VDV and USMC factions: the Nettle VDV AK-12 Rifle (for use on woodland biomes), Mirage USMC M16A4 Rifle (also intended for woodland biomes), and Horizon VDV SV-98M Marksman Rifle (for desert biomes). The loading screens, meanwhile, now provide tips and tricks for new players and longtime veterans alike.

You can find the full patch notes on Steam, and more info on the official Squad Twitter and website.

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of