Going with the comic-vibe, just in time for the San Diego Comic-Con, Funcom has announced that it is labeling the DLC/content expansions for its new MMO, The Secret World, as “issues” with the first being released on July 31st! Here is the official description for the first issue – enjoy!


‘Unleashed’ kicks off a monthly run that brings new content, new features, new stories and new characters to The Secret World and to subscribers. The first issue is packed with missions, Nightmare mode dungeons, the highly anticipated Marketplace and other updates — and this is just the beginning!


* Carter Unleashed: An action mission set at the Innsmouth Academy on Solomon Island, where the player gets to know more about the exceptionally gifted student Carter. Exploring the hallway below the academy, Carter will need help controlling her powers — before they get completely out of hand.

* Crime and Punishment: Bestselling horror author Sam Krieg came to Solomon Island to write his latest novel — but there’s more to it than that. Through this investigation, the player will dig into Krieg’s works and the mind of an obsessed fan to learn more about the dark and hidden history of Solomon Island.

* Hell & Bach: Daredevil reporter Daniel Bach is working on the story of all stories, his shot at finally winning a Pulitzer. For years, he’s been chasing the ghost of Theodore Wicker, only to end up trapped at the Overlook Motel outside Kingsmouth Town. But Wicker’s story doesn’t end here — nor did it start here. Following the bread crumbs back in time, the player will investigate the mystery of Wicker, and learn more about what brought him to the gates of hell…and beyond.

* Funeral Crasher: Eleanor Franklin only has her cats and her ghosts to keep her company at her mansion in Blue Mountain — and now the ghosts are getting restless. When the dead themselves are spooked, the living must pay heed.

* The 3rd Age: There have been Ages before ours, and the evidence lies beneath. In Egypt, the sand is thin, and the remnants of past Ages are beginning to spread their influence across the world. The Seven Sentinels hold the key to an investigation that begins in the present, and delves deep into the distant past.

* Red Handed: It wasn’t chance that brought Dr Varias to this distant part of the Carpathians at this particular point in time. Following in his father’s footsteps, Varias is attempting to unravel the mystery of the Red Hand. Why did they build a vast facility beneath this desolate region? What were they doing here? And how was Varias’ father involved? In this investigation, we answer some burning questions about this secret Soviet era genetic research project — and how it ties into the events of the present.

But that’s not all! Another mission awaits observant players on Solomon Island — one that explores a character that may be more than she pretends to be…


Two dungeons are receiving new Nightmare modes: The Ankh and Hell Fallen.

Increased challenges, increased rewards, and a chance to test new builds, new synergies and to put your team to the test against some of the toughest and fiercest challenges in The Secret World!

Who will be the first to conquer The Ankh and Hell Fallen in Nightmare mode? When ‘Unleashed’ is unleashed, we will find out!


Unleashed also contains the brand new, cross-dimensional Marketplace, allowing players to sell, trade and ship items to other players, no matter where they’re playing. The Marketplace will be an integral part of The Secret World’s growing economy, giving players more flexibility when it comes to how they equip their characters, and how they procure PAX.


Of course, issue #1 is jam-packed with other updates and changes — and astute players may even notice the ongoing construction in New York, London and Seoul, as new tenants prepare to move in. The Secret World is a LIVING world, and it will keep growing and changing through this issue and all upcoming, monthly issues.

And this is only the beginning. Issue #2 is already on its way, and if you like this month’s content, you’re going to LOVE what’s next! Dr Aldini is sharpening his scalpels, the Ockham triplets are readying their scissors and razors, and the first auxiliary weapon is being assembled — so stay tuned for August’s major update, to be revealed soon!

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Jerry Paxton

A long-time fan and reveler of all things Geek, I am also the Editor-in-Chief and Founder of GamingShogun.com